Hello! Let's Get Healthy!

First published 10th Jul, 2024

Hello! For those who don’t know me, my name is Steph.

I want to share a bit about myself and why I started TasteBox. I am a Dietician and alongside running TasteBox, still consult privately in Hilton KZN. For more than 10 years, I have sat with people and listened to their health concerns, their goals and ambitions, as well as the barriers they face when trying to address their health and improve their diet. This has given me fantastic insight into what it is that is needed to make healthy eating easier and more achievable for a lot of people.

Supper can often be the most stressful meal of the day, no matter your circumstances. Personally, with two young children, I find that getting a decent supper on the table before the kids officially lose it can be extremely difficult. But even those without kids may battle to pull together a well-balanced, yummy supper; for example people who are working long hours or those who are living alone and find cooking for one difficult and costly. I soon came to see that what people need is:

  • Someone to do the thinking for them – trying to think of what to cook for supper can often be just as exhausting as actually shopping for ingredients and cooking the meal.
  • Someone to go to the shops for them – trawling the shop aisles after school pick up or after leaving the office is often the last thing you want to do. A drive through take-away or Uber eats becomes the easiest option!
  • Someone to do the grunt-work for them – cutting, chopping and measuring out are all time consuming but necessary tasks if you want to cook a meal.

And so, with all this in mind, TasteBox was born. Not only do we take care of all of the above for you, you get so much more as well. With new meals to choose from every week, you are always getting a wonderful variety of suppers. With everything already portioned out for you, you have no food waste.

We are so proud of our little business and excited to see it grow more and more. We have wonderful, loyal customers who we are delighted to thrill every week with our meals.


© 2024